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The eleven areas of Canada’s heliskiing giant CMH

Canadian Mountain Holidays (CMH) is the world leader in heliskiing. In BC, the heliskiing pioneer operates eleven lodges.

No heliskiing operator in the world has as many heliskiing lodges as Canadian Moutain Holidays (CMH). As a heliskiing pioneer, CMH founder Hans Gmoser has secured some of the best areas in British Columbia. „“We were the first and we picked the best areas,““ say those at CMH. Here are eleven CMH lodges at a glance:

Heliskiing mit CMH






  • The small town of Fernie in southeastern British Columbia is known as Powder Town. This paradise for freeriders is home to the Fernie Alpine Resort at the foot of the imposing Lizard Range. Want to know what makes the resort

  • Born in the alps, at home in the mountains worldwide!

